Integrated Camera's do not work with Flash Player on Ubuntu Studio

I run Ubuntu Studio on a Dell Inspiron 1720. The experience is simply amazing, nuff said! The one flaw peeped through when trying to get the camera feed in Flash Player 9,0 xxxx in Firefox - I went through all the motions - installing and deploying EasyCam2, deploying XawTV nothing worked. Flash player detected the integrated web cam but, it would not capture the visual data. I hooked up an external web cam to the laptop and it worked properly.

As a control I installed Opera and ran Flash player 10 on it - lo and behold it worked - not well I must add - the picture freezes and it just does not seem to have the algorithm quite right but, it does work in Player 10.

The message here for Ubuntu / Linux users who may be scratching their heads wondering why the integrated camera on their lap top does not capture data in Flash in spite of being detected - its not you or you wonderful Ubuntu OS, its Flash player 9, use an external web cam.


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