A couple of weeks ago I was hospitalized with a rather unpleasant facial injury. The deluge of negative news about the state of the NHS has been so inundating that in truth I was almost tempted to suffer in silence rather than go to hospital. I had no choice though the injury was too severe to 'stick my head of the sand' and hope it went away, so off to hospital I went. Off first to A&E at the Royal Free Hospital. I had to wait for 3 hours but, this was inevitable due to the number of other accident victims. When I finally did get seen the Doctors were pleasant, conversational and generally nice peaple. It was also helpful that my doctor was pretty. Having done the X-rays I was refered to the University College London Hoapital where I was admitted. I had surgery 2 days later and well that was that. Here too the people were very very nice. Professional, pleasant and caring in their own different ways. I like d my Doctors and the staff on the ward. The only downside was the fact that I could not get a wireless connection for my computer and what was on offer was well HHHHMMMMMNNN!!!.
All in all I doff my cap to all those in the NHS who have made it what it is. They are doing a sterling job and from my personal experience they should be commended. I however do not think they should pay the doctors any more though - their pay is cool now :). Well Done NHS people, very well done.
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