Installing Flash Media Interactive Server 3+ on Ubuntu 8++

Linux distributions are released at a much shorter intervals than any other operating system. The fallout is thus the fact that it becomes difficult for software to confirm support for definitive distros. This is the case when you try to install Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server on the new Ubuntu Hardy Heron. A regular install will initially fail. What you will get is a Terminal warning telling you that the Hardy Heron distribution is not supported. Jake Hilton very kindly guided me through the process. First get the Ubuntu patch written by Markus Bertheau

sudo apt-get install libnspr4-dev

Next download the FMIS installation files and extract them to a folder of your choice. Change directory (cd) to that folder and

sudo ./installFMS -platformWarnOnly

If you continue installation from that point, it will succeed but, the service/daemon will fail to start - as there seems to be no feature to help FMIS set up its own user group. Continue the installation in the following manner:


patch -p1

Thats it. Well not quite, Flash Media Server 3.5 and later also come with an embedded Apache 2.2 server. On Ubuntu you wish to install the FMIS Apache server there are a few extra steps that need be followed. Jake Hilton walked me through fixing apache on my FMIS install. He has updated his blog with the information required to do this. The steps to be followed are


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