SVN: We may not have Tortoise but, we've got Rapid

I have found SVN indispensable to my development processes. Many a day has it been a boon to just roll back to the last working copy rather than spend 'tear-jerking, head-scratching' hours trying to debug an application. I was also brought up on Windows - so inspite of my crossover to Ubuntu the command like is not my first port of call if I can help it. You can imagine my trepidation then when first I discovered that TortoiseSVN for Linux did not exist - OMG I thought I'm doomed. It seemed that for a long time I could not find any possible replacement of a GUI type - every thing seemed to be command line. A most ghastly experience I assure you. There was of cource subclipse which installed into Eclipse but not every thing I want to access from a repository needed to be set up as a project so that was not really the solution though I must confess it provided temporary reprieve. Then, I came across a site which mentioned RapidSVN as an alternative to Tortoise on Linux. To make matters more interesting it was available for me to install in the Synaptic - I proceeded to install RapidSVN at a speed that would have made Usain Bolt positively pedestrian.

I have not been disappointed at all, in fact I've been pleasantly surprised. It does not carry all the gewgaws that Tortoise does but, it is far more straight forward and I particularly like the way it keeps a reference of the project working copy you have created as a bookmark. It also allows you to add existing working copies to its bookmark list.Thus you can see all your SVN projects at once and decide what or whatnot to commit or update. Its a really cool piece of kit which I wish was also available for Windows. I recommend it- its very good


Krishna Shasankar said...

For Ubuntu you cane make use of KDESVN integrated with Nautilus to five a Tortoise SVN Feel.

Try this : Ubuntu alternatives for Tortoise SVN

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